Fred Cobb, M.D. Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Dr Peterson is the Fred Cobb Distinguished Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology, a DukeMed Scholar, and the Past Executive Director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI), Durham, NC, USA.
Dr Peterson is the Principal Investigator of the National Institute of Health, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Spironolactone Initiation Registry Randomized Interventional Trial in Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction (SPIRRIT) Trial He is also the Principal Investigator of the Data Coordinating Centers for the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), National Cardiac Surgery Database, the American College of Cardiology National Cardiac Database (ACC-NCDR) and the American Heart Association Get With the Guidelines Database (AHA-GWTG). Dr Peterson also oversees multiple industry sponsored clinical studies.
Additionally, Dr Peterson serves on multiple national committees and guideline and performance measure development groups. Dr Peterson is a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI), the Association of American Physicians (AAP), and the Association of University Cardiologists (AUC).
Since 2013, Dr Peterson has been voted one of world’s top 400 most influential researchers in biomedicine. as well as named by Thomson Reuters as a ‘Highly Cited Researcher’, ranking him among the top 1% most cited in clinical medicine. He is a Contributing Editor on the Journal of the American Medical Association and is a recognized leader in outcomes and quality research with over 1200 peer-reviewed publications in the field.
In the News
- Global List of Highly Cited Puts Duke in Top Ten (Nov 19, 2019)
- Eliminating Cost Barriers Helps Heart Patients Comply with Drug Regimens (Mar 12, 2018 | Duke Health News)
- Eric Peterson named one of nations top cardiologists (Dec 5, 2017 | Duke Clinical Research Institute)
- Duke and SAS open giant database to fight heart disease (May 11, 2016 | WUNC)
- The world’s top universities for attracting industry funding (Mar 8, 2016 | Times Higher Education)
- Text reminders help people lower cholesterol, blood pressure (Sep 23, 2015 | NPR)
- Dr. Eric Peterson comments: A sea change in treating heart attacks (Jun 22, 2015 | The New York Times)
- Diabetes Drug Sitagliptin Shows No Increased Risk Of Heart Events (Jun 10, 2015)
- Widely used diabetes drugs seem safe for the heart, studies say (Jun 9, 2015 | Fox News, AP)
- Duke cardiologist puts CPR expertise to emergency use (Nov 19, 2014 | News & Observer)
- DCRI and Industry Collaboration Promotes Open Data Access (Jun 24, 2014)
- Dr. Eric Peterson comments: Blood pressure guidelines can be loosened, panel says (Dec 19, 2013 | The New York Times)
- 5 Duke Researchers On List of Worlds Top Biomedical Scientists (Nov 11, 2013 | Duke Research Blog)
Contact Information
- Office Location: 200 Morris Street, Durham, NC 27701
- Office Phone: (919) 668-8830
- Email Address:
- Duke University, 1995
- Harvard University , 1992
- Children's Hospital, Boston, 1991
- M.D. University of Pittsburgh, 1988